
Monday, December 12, 2011

Garage Door Update

Where we last left off with the garage door was we were planning on removing it entirely to pass final code. That was Friday the 2nd. As we thought about it over the weekend, we didn't like that idea at all (although it was our only option). Since our door was a cheap one from Craigslist, it wasn't insulated.

As much as we use the garage as a workshop during the winter, we really needed it to be insulated since it's not heated. The garage will be SLIGHTLY heated simply because it's right under heated living space. If it's 35 outside, it might be 45 in the garage. And in reverse, the garage will act as a buffer between the cold outside and the warm inside, making it more efficient to heat the upstairs...slightly.

If we have to go to all the trouble to take down a cheap door, Matt really didn't want to install the cheap uninsulated door AGAIN (which is why we were looking for brand new doors). The problem there was that they would take 4 weeks to come in. 4 weeks of having half of our belongings totally out in the opened, not lock up or anything. That just didn't appeal to us.

Monday afternoon (a week ago), Matt called me and told me his mom had been networking trying to find out the manufaturer of our door (there are no names anywhere on it). After making lots of phone calls not only had she found out who made it, she also found a company that sells the rib kits and keeps them in stock. Not only that, she had already met him at our house to take measurements and he was planning on coming back the next evening to install them AND insulate the door!

We got the rib kit, the insulation panels, and the labor to install both next day all for $500.

I couldn't believe how everything just fell into place like that.

It's also a little frustrating that our construction manager couldn't do that weeks ago, but I can't really blame him for not caring as much as Matt's mom does. She really gave 110%. That's a mother for you.

Like I said, Tuesday evening the door ribs were installed. Then, Wednesday morning we had round two of final inspections. This time we had Scott inspect the frame. He's who we usually have, but didn't have the first round of finals. Our impression is that Scott is not as picky, so we're wondering if Scott would have given us as long of a list.

As for round two...we passed!

The county then puts in the paperwork to Duke Power for them to come turn our power on.

The next step is waiting for lights!

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