
Friday, June 24, 2011

Puppy Update

If you're keeping up, you know almost a month ago, we adopted a dog, which we named Lucy. Lucy is adjusting very well to her new home. She has bonded to me very well. She likes Matt, but that bond is taking a little longer simply because I'm with her all day and she only sees him for a few hours at night.

I think she's house-trained now. She hasn't had an accident in 2 weeks, so we are still keeping our fingers crossed. Still keeping the rooms blocked off, still taking her out every few hours, and still locking her in the crate when we leave her at the house and at night. I don't think 2 weeks is quite enough to earn that much trust. I just don't keep an eagle eye on her anymore. Her signals for needing to go out have gotten much clearer. I think she's figured out that she needs to communicate with me when she's gotta go!

Lucy has had her first bath, first trip to the vet, and first nail clipping. Actually, she's had at least two of those before, so they were really firsts for me more than anything. Or firsts for me and her together. She is not a fan of the bath, but it went better than expected(as in I didn't get completely wet). Once she realized I wasn't going to let her jump out, she sat in the far end of the tub, which made it really hard to clean her. I call it her "practice bath". We'll be more thorough next time.

Here's where you can find us on a typical week night. I know I "shouldn't" let her on the couch, but COME ON! Look at that face!

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