
Friday, February 25, 2011

30 Before 30 List

A while ago, the trend on some blogs was to write a 30 Before 30 list. That is, 30 things you want to do before you turn 30. And because today is my 28th birthday, I thought it would be a good day to post my list. It is supposed to be a list of things you've never done before as a challenge to yourself. I had several character shaping items on the list(like "be less critical), but those aren't really measurable, and it's not something I can say "Ok, done! Check that off my list." They're more of a constant lifelong change. I also took off things that are totally unrealistic given I only have 2 years to do them. Things that time or money would just not allow, like lots of big exotic trips. Those destinations will definitely go on my "40 Before 40" list, if I write one.

I also never thought I'd be one of those people who has a hard time dealing with their milestone birthdays. Probably because the only ones I've had are turning 16 and 21, during a time when I couldn't wait to get older! But that's how it goes...

Our society tells us our 20's are the best years of our life. Teens rush to get there, and nobody is ready to leave them. For the first time, I feel year 30 knocking on my door. It hit me recently that it's just around the corner and I haven't done the things I thought I would have done and I'm not the person I thought I would be. For my whole life 25 was cool, but 30 was old. Now I'm almost there, so does that make me old? I guess it's all about perspective. Everyone out there reading this who is over 30 is probably rolling their eyes at me saying "Get over it. 30 is not old!" When you're in your 20's, and you're talking about yourself, it is old. Whatever milestone year is ahead of you, how do you feel about turning that age?

I could go on and on, but I'll wait 2 more years before I have a complete meltdown. So here's my list:

1. Move to our land

2. Get a dog

3. Learn everything about my DSLR

4. Learn everything about Photoshop

5. Plan meals every Monday

6. Eat less processed foods

7. Read my Bible daily (or at least regularly)

8. Go on a mission trip

9. Own fewer clothes and be happy about it

10. Travel someplace far away with my husband

11. Have a workout routine

12. Run a 5k

13. Have a baby

14. Pay off Volkswagon

15. See a Broadway show

16. Have a household budget and stick to it

17. Eat organic meat and dairy products

18. Donate blood

19. Help more random strangers

20. Have an organic vegetable garden

21. Tour the Great Smokey Mountains

22. Build a piece of furniture by myself

23. Simplify Christmas

24. Drive across the country

25. Take a dance class

26. Landscape our yard

27. Learn how to sew…for real

28. Get good at driving a manual transmission

29. Learn to shoot a shotgun

30. Earn money from my hobbies

*I reserve the right to make any changes I want to this list.

1 comment:

  1. you have some really good stuff on your list allison! i hope all of them come true. :)
