
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tree today, gone tomorrow

The picture below is dated October 2007. This dates back to our very first visit to our soon-to-be land. The view point is from the end of the driveway, facing towards the house site. After a lot of hard work from Matt mostly, and me, and some other people, we saved ourselves a lot of money by taking down the trees ourselves. And it only took TWO YEARS! What a deal! It's not like we had a life going on in there too. Keep reading to see what it looks like today. (click photo to enlarge)

I promise we are not anti-tree! We LOVE trees, but we also want to be able to enjoy this space too. Our future children need a place to run around and play ball and learn to ride dirt bikes and get chased by the dog. There is even more tree removal down the hill that you can't even see from this photo. You also can't see where we are building our apartment. It'll be about where the tailgate of the truck is. I hope we don't get a tree shortage. There are only 16 more acres of them!

Can you just picture driving up right here in your car and seeing a gorgeous two-story farmhouse in the distance? Circling around the field and pulling up to a garden that leads to a 8-10ft deep wrap-around porch. Can you see it? Ok, come visit us in about 10 years once it's finished.

1 comment:

  1. You guys really have done soo much work! I can see it, and it will be amazing! :)
